Ananga Ranga Em Portugues

The Ananga Ranga (अनंगरंग Stage of Love) or Kamaledhiplava (कमलेधिप्लव Boat in the Sea of Love) is an Indian sex manual written by Kalyana malla in the 15th or 16th century.[1] The poet wrote the work in honor of Lad Khan, son of Ahmed Khan Lodi. He was related to the Lodi dynasty, which from 1451 to 1526 ruled from Delhi.[2] Later commentators have said it is aimed specifically at preventing the separation of a husband and wife. This work is often compared to the Kama Sutra, on which it draws.

The Ananga Ranga (Stage of Love) or Kamaledhiplava (Boat in the Sea of Love) is an Indian sex manual written by Kalyana malla in the 15th or 16th century. The poet wrote the work in honor of Lad Khan, son of Ahmed Khan Lodi. He was related to the Lodi dynasty, which from 1451 to 1526 ruled from. Note: Citations are based on reference standards. However, formatting rules can vary widely between applications and fields of interest or study. The specific requirements or preferences of your reviewing publisher, classroom teacher, institution or organization should be applied.


It was translated into English in the year 1885, under the editorship of Sir Richard Francis Burton and subsequently burnt by his wife Isabel Burton in the weeks following his death.

Ananga Ranga Em Portugues

Ananga Ranga Em Portuguesa

'Satisfaction and enjoyment comes for a man with possession of a beautiful woman. Men marry because of the peaceful gathering, love, and comfort and they often get nice and attractive women. But the men do not give the women full satisfaction. The reason is due to the ignorance of the writings of the Kamashastra and the disdain of the different types of women. These men view women only from the perspective of an animal. They are foolish and spiritless'.[3]

The work was intended to show that a woman is enough for a man. The book provides instructions in how a husband can promote the love for his wife through sexual pleasure. The husband can so greatly enjoy living with his wife, that it is as if he had lived with 32 different women. The increasingly varied sexual pleasures are able to produce harmony, thus preventing the married couple from getting tired of one another. In addition to the extensive catalogue of sexual positions for both partners, there are details regarding foreplay and lure.

The contents of the chapters of Burton's translation of the Ananga Ranga are as follows:

  • Chapter I: considers the four classes of women
  • Chapter II: Of the Various Seats of Passion in Women
  • Chapter III: Of the Different Kinds of Men and Women
  • Chapter IV: Description of the General Qualities, Characteristics, Temperaments, Etc., of Women.
  • Chapter V: Characteristics of the Women of Various Lands
  • Chapter VI: Treating of Vashikarana
  • Chapter VII: Of Different Signs in Men and Women
  • Chapter VIII: Treating of External Enjoyments
  • Chapter IX: Treating of Internal Enjoyments in Its Various Forms
  • Appendix I: Astrology in Connection With Marriage
  • Appendix II: (considers a variety of alchemical recipes, which are either potentially lethal, or completely ineffective as a remedy, or both)


  1. ^Frayser, S.G.; Whitby, T.J. (1995). Studies in Human Sexuality: A Selected Guide. Libraries Unlimited. p. 143. ISBN9781563081316. Retrieved 2015-09-13.
  2. ^Introduction to the History of Sex Manuals by KamashastraArchived December 12, 2007, at the Wayback Machine
  3. ^'KAMASUTRA: ananga ranga'. Retrieved 2015-09-13.

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Format: Global Grey free PDF, epub, Kindle ebook
Pages (PDF): 87
Publication Date: 1885

Ananga Ranga Em Portugues

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The Ananga Ranga (Stage of Love) or Kamaledhiplava (Boat in the Sea of Love) is an Indian sex manual written by Kalyana malla in the 15th or 16th century. The poet wrote the work in honor of Lad Khan, son of Ahmed Khan Lodi. He was related to the Lodi dynasty, which from 1451 to 1526 ruled from Delhi. Later commentators have said it is aimed specifically at preventing the separation of a husband and wife. This work is often compared to the Kama Sutra, on which it draws. It was translated into English in the year 1885, under the editorship of Richard Francis Burton and consequently burnt by his wife Isabel Burton in the weeks following his death.

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MAY you be purified by Parvati who coloured the nails of her hands, which were white like the waters of Ganges, with lac after seeing the fire on the forehead of Shambhu; who painted her eyes with collyrium after seeing the dark hues of Shambhu's neck and whose body-hair stood erect (with desire) after seeing in a mirror the ashes on Shambhu's body.
I invoke thee, O Kamadeva! thee the sportive; thee, the wanton one, who dwellest in the hearts of all created beings;
Thou instillest courage in time of war; thou destroyedst Sambar' A'sura and the Rakshasas; thou sufficest unto Rati , and to the loves and pleasures of the world;
Thou art ever cheerful, removing uneasiness and overactivity, and thou givest comfort and happiness to the mind of man.
King Ahmad was the ornament of the Lodi House. He was a Sea, having for waters the tears shed by the widows of his slaughtered foes, and he rose to just renown and wide-spread fame. May his son Lada Khan, versed in the Kama Shastra, or Scripture of Love, and having his feet rubbed with the diadems of other kings, be ever victorious!
The great princely sage and arch-poet, Kalyana Malla versed in all the arts, after consulting many wise and holy men, and having examined the opinions of many poets, and extracted the essence of their wisdom, composed, with a view of pleasing his sovereign, a work which was called Ananga Ranga . May it ever be appreciated by the discerning, for it hath been dedicated to those who are desirous of studying the art and mystery of man's highest enjoyment, and to those who are best acquainted with the science and practice of dalliance and love-delight.
It is true that no joy in the world of mortals can compare with that derived from the knowledge of the Creator.
Second, however, and subordinate only to this, are the satisfaction and pleasure arising from the possession of a beautiful woman. Men, it is true, marry for the sake of undisturbed congress, as well as for love and comfort, and often they obtain handsome and attractive wives.
But they do not give them plenary contentment, nor do they themselves thoroughly enjoy their charms. The reason of which is, that they are purely ignorant of the Scripture of Cupid, the Kama Shastra; and, despising the difference between the several kinds of women, they regard them only in an animal point of view.
Such men must be looked upon as foolish and unintelligent; and this book is composed with the object of preventing lives and loves being wasted in similar manner, and the benefits to be derived from its study are set forth in the following verses:--
'The man who knoweth the Art of Love, and who understandeth the thorough and varied enjoyment of woman;
'As advancing age cooleth his passions, he learneth to think of his Creator, to study religious subjects, and to acquire divine knowledge:'Hence he is freed from further transmigration of souls; and when the tale of his days is duly told, he goeth direct with his wife to the Svarga (heaven).'
And thus all you who read this book shall know how delicious an instrument is woman, when artfully played upon; how capable she is of producing the most exquisite harmony; of executing the most complicated variations and of giving the divinest pleasures.
Finally, let it be understood that every Shloka (stanza) of this work has a double signification, after the fashion of the Vedanta, and may be interpreted in two ways, either mystical or amatory.

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